Qualified Investor

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Marcel Lötscher

Die vermögende Privatperson als qualifizierter Anleger im Kollektivanlagenrecht
(The wealthy private individual as a qualified investor in collective investment schemes)


Die Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag: Rechtswissenschaften | Band 69

ISBN 978-3-8288-3402-6

353 Seiten, Hardcover

Tectum Verlag  2014

Brief overview

The wealthy private individual as a qualified investor is an attractive target group for fund sales in the area of collective investment schemes, but has not yet been the subject of an in-depth legal dispute. Marcel Lötscher uses applied legal theory and comparative law to examine how the Swiss legislator has structured the possibility of declaring the wealthy private individual as a qualified investor in the Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA) of 1 January 2007. Lötscher presents a European-compatible formulation of the corresponding provision for discussion. As an implementation aid for the practitioner, he proposes a form for declaration as a qualified investor as well as the keeping of a corresponding register. In this way, he develops practical solutions and provides a foundation for the consideration of differentiated investor protection. In the appendix, it also presents the changes to the relevant provisions in accordance with the CISA, which has since been partially revised.