Marcel Lötscher
Prinzipien der katholischen Vermögensanlage
Principles of Catholic Finance
Ethisch-nachhaltige Anlagegrundsätze im Spannungsfeld von Religion und Ökonomie
(Ethical and sustainable investment principles in the area of conflicting interests of religion and economy)
Original title: Historisch-kritische Analyse ethisch-nachhaltiger Anlagegrundsätze in katholischer Ausrichtung ab dem 19. Jahrhundert und im Spannungsfeld von Religion und Ökonomie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung und Analyse von kollektiven Kapitalanlagen mit behaupteter wertebasierter Veranlagung
(Historical-critical analysis of ethical-sustainable investment principles with a Catholic orientation from the 19th century onwards and in the area of conflict between religion and economy, with special consideration and analysis of collective investments with alleged value-based investment)
Inaugural dissertation for the attainment of the doctorate the historical and social sciences Faculty of the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
ISBN 978-3-8487-7676-4
381 Pages, Paperback
Nomos-Verlag 2020
Brief overview
The study is dedicated to the principles of Catholic investment. The complex of questions concerning the guidelines for a value-based investment policy against the background of Catholic social teaching has so far received little attention in the literature. This neglect is astonishing, since not only the financial assets of the Catholic Church in Germany are receiving more and more attention, but also ethical-sustainable investments are becoming increasingly important. The author closes this gap in an appealing way. The treatment creates a comprehensive picture of value-based investment and the practical relevance is taken into account by the analysis of value-based investment assets.
See the contribution to Catholic Finance in a nutshell.
See interview of 17.12.2020 on the website of the Financial Market Authority (FMA) Liechtenstein (german only).
See also the excerpt (german) Leseprobe.
See als the LJZ-review 2021 (german) 2021_01_LJZ_Rezension_Lötscher