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This collection of glossaries can be made available thanks to the kind support of Lawpedia®. The terminology collection Lawpedia® with a focus on business law (especially financial market law) offers you more than 1000 terms and definitions explained in detail, but still simple and conclusive. Please click on a letter of your choice to get to the respective list of terms.
- Aberratio ictus
- Abolition
- Absinthe
- Absolute return principle
- Absolute right
- Absolute rights
- Absolutio ab instantia
- Absorption principle
- Abuse of rights
- Acceptance of guilt
- Acceptance of the inheritance
- Acceptance theory
- Accessory law
- Accident
- Accountability
- Accounting
- Accounting currency
- Accumulation
- Accusation process
- Acoustic condition
- Acquired right
- Act
- Actio libera in causa
- Action
- Action for a declaratory judgment
- Action for annulment
- Action for annulment of arrest
- Action for damages
- Action for possession
- Action for rectification
- Action for reduction
- Action for rescission
- Action for segregation
- Action for withdrawal
- Actions for performance or conviction
- Activation legitimation
- Active administration
- Active Ownership
- Ad hoc disclosure requirements
- Adequate causal link
- Adequate causation
- Adhesion process
- Admassification
- Administration
- Administrative complaint
- Administrator
- Adoption
- Advantage
- Advisory board
- Affect
- Affection value
- Affidavit
- Affiliates of the jesuits
- Affiliation
- Agency contract
- Agricultural business
- Aid scheme
- Aliud
- All-in fee
- Allegations
- Alpha
- Alternative bond
- Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
- Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM)
- Alternative investments
- Amnesty
- Amortization
- Analogy
- Anarchist crime
- Anima Brotherhood
- Animal owners
- Annual financial statement
- Annual report
- Annuities
- Anries
- Anti-dilution measures
- Antichresis
- Anticipated fulfilment
- Appeal
- Appeal in cassation
- Appeals
- Appraisal
- Appropriation
- Arable food
- Arbitrariness
- Arbitration agreement
- Arrest
- Arson
- Art market
- Artwork
- Asset allocation fund
- Asset Backed Securities (ABS)
- Asset class
- Asset securitisation
- Assets
- Assets under Management
- Assignment
- Assumption of debt
- Attack
- Audit company
- Auditor
- Auditors
- Authentication clause
- Authorisation
- Authority
- Autonomy
- Avoiding the law
- Awareness of the unlawfulness
- Balance
- Balance sheet
- Banknotes
- Bankrupt
- Bankruptcy
- Banks
- Base load
- Behavioural finance
- Benchmark
- Beneficiary clause
- Beneficiary principle
- Benefits for citizens
- Bertillonage
- Best-in-Class
- Big Data
- Bigamy
- Bill of lading
- Bishop
- Bishopric establishment
- Bitcoin (BTC)
- Blockchain
- Bond
- Bonds in kind
- Book entry securities
- Breaking the causal link
- Brevi mane traditio
- Bribery
- Brokerage fees
- Building
- Building law
- Building permit
- Caducation
- Capacity to act
- Capital
- Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR)
- Cassation
- Cause
- Central Counterparty (CCP)
- Certificate of inheritance
- Certificates
- Change
- Chantage
- Check
- Church service
- Cif-clause
- Civil engineering
- Civil servitudes
- Claim
- Clausula rebus sic stantibus
- Clearing
- Closed funds
- Closed-end principle
- Cloud Computing
- Coercion
- Cognition
- Collective investment scheme
- Command
- Command procedure
- Commercial status
- Commission-based
- Commitment
- Common law
- Communion incidens
- Company
- Comparative law
- Compensation agreement
- Compensationis
- Competing claims
- Complaint under debt collection law
- Compliance
- Concentration risk
- Concession
- Concursus duarum
- Condiciones in praeteritum
- Condiciones iuris
- Condiction
- Condition
- Condition crimes
- Conditional sentencing
- Confidential liability
- Confirmation
- Conflict of competence
- Consortium
- Constitution
- Constitutional jurisdiction
- Constitutive effect
- Contingency maxim
- Contract
- Contract in favour of third parties
- Contractual investment fund
- Contributions
- Controlling risk
- Conversion
- Conversion of the legal transaction
- Convertible arbitrage
- Cooaborative Finance
- Cooperative
- Copyright protection
- Core satellite
- Corporate governance
- Cost average effect
- Costs
- Counterparty default risk
- Counterparty risk
- Countries with distribution restrictions
- Coupon
- Courts of arbitration
- Cover funds
- Coverage
- Covering purchase
- Credit transactions
- Credit Value at Risk (Credit VaR)
- Crimes
- Criminal complaint
- Criminal procedural law
- Criticism
- Crowdfunding
- Crypto assets
- Cryptocurreny
- Culpa
- Culpa compensation
- Cultural standards
- Cumulative funds
- Curator
- Custodian bank (CISA)
- Custodian bank (UCITS and AIF)
- Custodian bank controlling
- Customerinformation document
- Cut-off time
- Damage
- Damnum emergens
- Danger
- Date
- Datio in solutum
- Deadline
- Debt collection action
- Debts to be discharged
- Decharge issue
- Decision
- Declaration of mortification
- Declaratory effect
- Declaratory significance
- Defamation
- Default and market risks
- Default of acceptance
- Defence
- Defendant
- Del credere
- Deliberation period
- Delicted spauliana
- Delictum commissivum per omissionem
- Délit manqué
- Democracy
- Denial of justice
- Depreciation
- Derelation
- Derivative acquisition of ownership
- Derivative financial instruments
- Derogating customary law
- Derogatory force
- Design lawsuit
- Design rights
- Desuetudo
- Determinism
- Deviation from constant practice
- Devis
- Devolutive effect
- Difference theory
- Digital Native
- Diplomatic corps
- Direct investments
- Directions
- Directness
- Disclaimer
- Disclosure obligation
- Discount rate
- Discounted cash flow method (DCF)
- Discounting
- Discovery
- Disease
- Display
- Disposition capability
- Disposition maxim
- Dispositive
- Dispositive law
- Dispute
- Dissent
- Distance buying
- Distance offence
- Distribution
- Diversification
- Dividend
- Dolus
- Domestic Trust
- Domicile
- Domiciliary agent
- Donation
- Donation pauliana
- Double insurance
- Dual pricing
- Dual representation
- Duplicate
- Duration
- Duty of disclosure
- Duty to give notice of defects
- Duty to publish
- Earning
- Economy
- Edition
- Embezzlement
- Emergency action
- Emergency ordinance
- Emerging markets
- Emigration
- Employees
- Employment
- Employment contract
- Encryption based on AES
- Encyclical
- Endorsement
- Enrichment
- Environmental (E)
- Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
- Equivalence theory
- Erfahrungssätze
- Error
- Establishment of the port
- Estate
- Estimation error
- European Banking Authority (EBA)
- European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
- European long-term investment funds (ELTIFs)
- European passport for asset management companies
- European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
- European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEFs)
- European Venture Capital Fund (EuVECA)
- Evidence
- Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)
- Exclusions
- Exercising voting rights
- Expenses
- Experts
- Expropriation
- External administration
- External rating agency
- Exterritoriality
- Fact
- Facts
- Factsheet
- Fake gap
- Falsus procurator
- Family Fideicommissum
- Fault
- Federal act
- Federal authorities
- Federal council
- Federal decree
- Fee
- Fee-based
- Feodum
- Fiction
- Fiduciary legal transaction
- Fiduciary property
- Files
- Financial loss insurance
- Financial planning
- Findings
- Fixed business
- Foenus nauticum
- Follow-up complaint
- Foreign exchange risk
- Forfeiture
- Form of contract
- Formal invalidity
- Formal law
- Formal requirements
- Forum
- Forward pricing
- Foundation
- Fraud
- Free consideration of evidence
- Free of charge process management
- Freedom rights
- Friedloslegung
- Fund
- Fund assets
- Fund costs
- Fund domicile
- Fund for alternative (non-traditional) investments
- Fund management
- Fund manager
- Fund of funds
- Fund promotion dilemma
- Fund rating
- Fund unit costs
- Fund valuation
- Fundamental error
- Funds trading on the stock exchange
- Fungible items
- Funny solid
- Ilegal
- Image risk
- Immorality
- Impact Investment
- Imputability
- In fraudem legis
- Incapacity to act
- Income
- Incorrect administrative act
- Incorrectness
- Index
- Index funds
- Index-oriented asset management
- Indicia
- Indirect perpetration
- Individual liberties
- Individualism
- Information on returns
- Information ratio (IR)
- Infringement
- Inside information
- Insiders
- Insolvency
- Insolvency protection
- Installment facility
- Instance (last cantonal)
- Instigation
- Institutional funds
- Instruction
- Insult
- Insurance contract
- Integration
- Intellectual property rights
- Intention
- Intention of enrichment
- Interdiction
- Interest
- Internal Investment Guidelines (IIG)
- International Security Identification Number (ISIN)
- Interpretation
- Interruption of the limitation period
- Invention
- Inventory
- Investment company with variable capital (SICAV)
- Investment Criteria
- Investment fund
- Investment fund manager
- Investment instruments
- Investment manager
- Investment objective
- Investment policy
- Investment region
- Investment regulations
- Investment risks
- Investment style
- Investment theme
- Investment trust
- Investor collective
- Investor of a securitisation
- Investor protection and transparency
- Investor restrictions
- Invitation to tender
- Issuer risk
- Issuers
- Issuing commission
- Issuing currency
- Issuing frequency
- Labour law
- Lack of evidence
- Land register
- Late trading
- Launch
- Law
- Law (subjective)
- Law of succession
- Legacy
- Legal assistance
- Legal capacity
- Legal claim
- Legal competition (genuine)
- Legal entity
- Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
- Legal force
- Legal form
- Legal institutions
- Legal interests
- Legal opening
- Legal possession
- Legal system
- Legal terminology
- Legal transaction
- Legality principle
- Legitimation to the matter
- Letter of credit
- Level playing field
- Liability
- Liability for material defects
- Liability insurance
- Life insurance
- Limit Order
- Limitation on transferability
- Limitation period
- Limited partnership
- Liquidation
- Liquidator
- Liquidity risk
- Loans
- Local government
- Local use
- Location
- Loophole in the law
- Loss certificate
- Lottery
- Lucrum cessans
- Lura novit curia
- Lus sanguinis
- Management fee
- Mandatory law
- Margin lending transaction
- Marginalia
- Market (Historic) Pricing
- Market maker
- Market timing
- Market value
- Master-feeder funds
- Master-Feeder structure
- Materials
- Matrimonial property law dispute
- Medium
- Meeting
- Membership or participation rights
- Mental reservation
- Merger
- Merit of the claim
- Microfinance
- Microfinance Investment Intermediaries (MII)
- Mixed contract
- Mixed funds
- Mobility
- Model approach
- Monarchy
- Monastery
- Monetary compensation for tort moral
- Money
- Money market fund
- Montreal Carbon Pledge
- Moral insanity
- Most favoured nation clause
- Motif
- Movable items
- Obiter dictum
- Objection
- Objective right
- Obligation funds
- Obligation to contract
- Obligation to declare
- Offence of omission
- Office of the public prosecutor
- Official certification
- Official decrees
- Official duty
- Official offences
- Official proceedings
- Offshore funds
- One-man company
- Open architecture
- Open funds
- Open Source Software
- Open-end fund
- Operation
- Opportunity principle
- Order
- Order of the Knights (OESSH)
- Organs
- Original acquisition
- Originator of a securitisation
- Outsourcing
- Over-the-counter (OTC)
- Ownership
- P.o. box
- Pactum de non licitando
- Pactum de quota litis
- Palmarium
- Pardon
- Parentel
- Partiaric legal transaction
- Partnership
- Passive asset management
- Passive legitimation
- Passporting for credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms
- Patrocinium successivum
- Payment Gateway
- Peer group
- Penalty
- Penalty order
- Peremptorization
- Performance
- Performance fee
- Periodic reporting
- Permanent offence
- Personal rights
- Philanthropy
- Placet
- Planned economy
- Plea
- Poison
- Police
- Policy
- Pooling
- Pope
- Popular action
- Portfolio
- Portfolio components
- Portfolio Turnover Rate (PTR)
- Positive investment criteria
- Postage
- Postulation capability
- Potestativ condition
- Power of judgement
- Power of representation
- Precaria
- Precautionary measures
- Prejudice
- Premium
- Presumptio hominis
- Presumption
- Presumption of jurisdiction
- Presumption of law
- Presumption of legality
- Prevarication
- Primary market
- Principal-agent theory (PA-theory)
- Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI)
- Private equity
- Private labelling
- Private placement life insurance
- Private plaintiff
- Private prosecution
- Process operation
- Process purpose
- Process requirements
- Processes and IT
- Procuration
- Profession
- Professional secrecy
- Promoter
- Property
- Property law
- Prorogation
- Prospectus
- Prospectus Validation
- Provisional measures
- Public charges
- Public documents
- Public institutions
- Public limited company
- Publicity
- Publicity principle
- Purchase
- Purpose
- Purpose of funds
- Putative offence
- Rat run
- Rating
- Ratio decidendi
- Real acts
- Real estate funds
- Real gaps
- Reason
- Reasons for legalisation
- Receipt
- Reciprocity
- Recourse
- Recovery action
- Redemption conditions
- Redemption frequency
- Reference currency
- Referendum
- Reflex damage
- Rehabilitation
- Reinsurance
- Relapse
- Relative right
- Religious orders
- Replacement
- Representation
- Reputation (good)
- Request
- Requisitorial garnishment
- Research maxim
- Reservation
- Residence
- Resolution on the constitution
- Resolutive condition
- Retaliation
- Retention prosecution
- Retention right
- Retorsion
- Revision
- Right in rem
- Right of inheritance
- Right of recall
- Right of representation
- Right to petition
- Risk
- Risk categories
- Risk distribution
- Robo Advisor
- Rosary
- Rosary Broterhood
- Rule of law
- Rules of instance
- Rural inheritance law
- Sale
- Sales compensation and reimbursement
- Sales prospectus
- Satisfaction
- Savings banks
- Screen Scraping
- Secondary market
- Securities
- Security
- Segregated pool of assets
- Seizure
- Seizure order
- Self help sale
- Self-contracting
- Self-defence
- Self-defense excess
- Servitude
- Settlement
- Share
- Share shell
- Shares with restricted transferability
- Sharpe ratio (SR)
- Short position
- Short Selling
- Side pockets
- Sidekick
- Simple society
- Simulated legal transaction
- Singularsuccession
- Social (S)
- Social issues
- Social Trading
- Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)
- Source
- Sovereignty of coinage
- Special court
- Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
- Speciality
- Specific prevention
- Sponsor institution of a securitisation
- Squad
- Stamp
- Standards-based screening
- State
- State of emergency
- State season
- State witness
- Status complaints
- Statute
- Statutory regulations
- Stock exchange
- Straw man
- Structured products
- Subject of the dispute
- Subjective right
- Subrogation
- Subsidiarity
- Subsidies
- Substantiation
- Substantive law
- Substrate of bankruptcy
- Subsumption
- Suggestion contracts
- Surrogation
- Suspension
- Suspensive condition
- Sustainability Advisory Board
- Sustainable investments
- Sustainable theme funds
- Swinging single pricing
- Swiss confederation
- Synthetic securitisation
- Tax authority
- Taxes
- Technical liquidity
- Territorial jurisdiction
- Territoriality principle
- Tetralogy of fund characteristics
- Theft
- Thingality
- Third-party mandate
- Tied agents
- Title purchasing-selling expenses
- Token
- Tokenization
- Total Expense Ratio (TER)
- Tracking error
- Trade repository
- Trading currency
- Traditional securitisation
- Transfer agent
- Transparent fund accounting
- Trial
- Trip
- Triple bottom line (TBL)
- Trust
The contents of Lawpedia® with a focus on business law (especially financial market law) were researched with the greatest care and compiled on the basis of an extensive personal study card, training materials and literature. The various sources (as far as they could be found) can be found in the abbreviations and references on the corresponding Lawpedia® website. Despite the care taken, the provider cannot accept any liability for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the information provided. In particular, the information is of a general nature and does not constitute legal advice in individual cases.